Aeifaron - A School of Light - A University of Life

We are experts in our field, ready to help you with unleashing your full potential

We are experts in guiding people to live fuller, freer lives. For over 17 years, our University of Life has helped thousands find liberation from the fear and anxiety surrounding death that most people suffer through.

We know you may be struggling with uncertainty about mortality and how to make the most of the time you have left. This often leads to regret, preventing you from living purposefully and accessing life’s joy. We have helped many work through these same challenges.

Our proven techniques will help you accept the inevitable with grace, eliminating the wasted energy of resistance. You’ll learn to be fully present, awakening to the gift of each moment.

With compassion as our compass, we will embark on this journey together one step at a time. We will smoothly guide you to the clarity, meaning and inner peace you desire.

You no longer need to postpone the life you’ve been dreaming of. Let us help you live fearlessly without regret. Are you ready to finally pursue your heart’s true passions? The time is now.


Our Vision

We envision a world where every human being has the opportunity to experience a life full of eudaimonia, prosperity, and well-being – the Eu Zên. A world where everyone has access to the necessary education and resources to fulfill their highest potential and unfold their unique talents.

Eu is not an ‘object’ or ‘thing’, but the primordial state of the Universe from which all forms of existence manifest. It is a natural state of wholeness, perfection, and flourishing. This wholeness and perfection is the authentic and true nature of all beings. Therefore, Eu also inherently exists within every human. When this is experienced, our lives transform into lives full of inspiration, authentic expression, creativity, and true freedom.

Eu is the Goodness beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’; the Happiness beyond ‘joy’ and ‘sorrow’, the Beauty beyond forms, and the Perfection despite apparent opposites. When we consciously decide to attune our lives to Eu, we begin to experience a profound sense of inner fulfillment, cheerfulness, and freedom. We gain the strength and all the necessary resources to transform our lives in ways that empower us to actualize our fullest, most creative, and highest potential. Our ‘living’ transforms into Eu Zên – a life full of health, prosperity, and success.

Hear from our happy participants

It is important for the evolution of every individual to read books. However, reading a living book, such as this one is like reading a map that safely guides you to a New Land, a New Earth, a New World! Highly recommended for the true explorers of life!

Sophia T.

I firmly follow what this book suggests and my life has been transformed into an enjoyable experience. I have no doubt that my death will be one such too.

Maria X. - English Teacher

Prepare to be transformed by embracing the unseen! A Journey through Death and Conscious Rebirth. This book fearlessly explores death, providing wisdom and tools to face it courageously. Ancient Greek philosophy blends seamlessly with teachings from wise masters worldwide, guiding readers to harmonize life's disharmonies and emerge fearless. The author's pragmatic approach offers actionable steps to reframe moments with consciousness. The text flows elegantly, delivering transformative insights that challenge perceptions of life and death. A beacon of light in a fearful world, this book is an inspiring, life-altering journey.

Rafaela Mantzakou Ceo of Astrarche Private Nannies Agency

A book that will forever change your perspective on death: transformative, magical, and simple.

Vasiliki G. - Alternative Therapist

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